expert content development
The secret to a succesful Website is successful content development and copywriting
Showing off your professional credentials, listing every single organization to which you belong, and bragging that your product or service is the #1 best in the world, no longer works!
Your Website is your virtual salesperson and a superstar salesperson would make a personal connection with the customer first, not bombard him with hype right off the bat. Website copywriting requires a different approach than other forms of advertising copywriting. Just because certain copy works well for your company brochure doesn’t mean it will work on your Website.
Keyword-rich headlines and site content will help your Website secure top search engine positions. Results driven, benefits oriented, personalized Web site content will compel visitors to stick around, buy, and come back for more!
In addition to website copywriting, we offer the following copywriting services for all your on and offline marketing needs:
Sales Letters
A targeted sales letter can boost traffic to your Website. Delivered as a direct mailer or email campaign, a dynamic letter will attract clients
An E-zine establishes expertise and credibility for your business by allowing you to stay in contact with potential clients to let them know about special offers or new services. It replaces the old “company newsletter”
Print Ads
Advertising special events, discounts, or promotions draws attention to your targeted marketing campaigns
Press Releases
Media coverage attracts business. Television and radio stations, newspapers, E-zines, Websites and magazines are searching for interesting article topics… why not contribute an article and become a published expert in your field?
Brochures remain a popular promotion item and are often used as a follow-up sales technique. These are becoming increasingly on-line only, due to cost and short life.
Business Proposals
Proposals are the determining factor of gaining or losing a client. They represent the quality of services you’ll provide. You are an expert at your business and your proposal must communicate that professionalism through the written word